From baking "low carbon loaves" in solar ovens to using traditional hand tools, reparing clothes on an old Singer sewing machine, hand-dying yarn and picking up natural skincare tips, there's always plenty of skills being taught and practiced here.
Idle your time away at the Museum of Roadside Magic - packed with mesmerising folkloric fun and vehicle maintenance wizardry. Then visit the Travelling Herbal Apothecary, or if you fancy getting clean under the stars, with a side-order of off-grid plumbing lore, dive into SAM's Magic Hat Showers.
Ice Green's solar-powered freezers are packed with home made vegan ice cream and Steve of Britain's traditional tat stall is always worth a browse.
Our Voices of Gaia talkspace sits on the corner of Hill Village and Nature's Way, providing a platform for thinkers and wordsmiths to enlighten and inspire, with a programme ranging from the magic and medicine of herbs to the mythology of diverse cultures, social anthropology, and why festivals matter.
Here the core elements of The Green Gathering meet and are grounded - earth, nature, wellbeing, storytelling, ritual, connection; here you're invited to explore sights, sounds and experiences to open your mind, touch your heart, delight your senses and inspire you. Take your time, browse along the avenue, then dive into the dappled glade.
The Stone Circle: with iconic views across the Severn Valley, this is a peaceful space to sit and breathe deeply, meet friends, practice yoga, create ceremonies, greet the day or have a sunny afternoon nap.
Resilient Routes Travelling Botanical Garden: With over 70 varieties of accurately labelled medicinal herbs, this tranquil garden is both a rest space and an education.
Grow Your Own Home: Sharing knowledge of One Planet Development, related skills and stories of successful land projects.
Low Impact Living: Rocket stove workshops and low energy devices, in a classic bender structure.
Otherwood Ideas: Wil Nickson and friends wield traditional woodworking tools; they’ll let you have a go too!
Jon the Basket: Free willow weaving workshops, donations to Medical Aid Palestine.
Wise Old Oak: Walk the labyrinth beneath this majestic tree.
Magical Mushrooms : an upcycled dreamscape of giant flowers and fungi.
Shrines to the Liminal: Nature shrines with specially created sound pieces setting the vibe of the Enchanted Woods, by Jessica Rost.
Ideal Dome Exhibition: What does ‘home’ mean to you? Plus 'How To' fashion your very own vintage geodesic dome.
Wishing Well: Reflect, Wish, Dream, Imagine, Believe... Be careful what you wish for, reality is forged here!
Radical Trust Library: Books from your childhood; precious books; exciting books you’ve never heard of; books with pages you need to immerse yourself within. Read the books in our library then leave them for the next person to enjoy.
The Guardians: protectors of the woods, art by Mo Odling.
Plus creations and lighting by Ella Fisher, Jak Hill, Ben Cavanna, Ruben Worth, Zia Solar Systems and more.