Zoe Broughton

How to film on your phone to support your campaign

Phones 4 Change: Videos can help your campaign! Learn how to make content for the news and edit the footage of your events for your website and social media. In this session we'll watch some fun examples and we'll cover what to film, how to get good audio and editing on a free editing app on your phone!

Zoe Broughton is a video journalist who has been covering human rights, the climate emergency and animal welfare for over 30 years. She has captured multiple video clips which have gone viral and is on a mission to support others making the same.

Speaker Bio

Zoe Broughton is a video journalist who has been covering human rights, the climate emergency and animal welfare for over 30 years. She has captured multiple video clips which have gone viral and is on a mission to support others making the same.

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