3 men, numerous strings, all the weirdness.With a smile, a song, and an unfeasibly large bar tab, The Wierdstring Band could start aceilidh in an empty house. Combining music from across all the extremities of Europe withsongs of the last century and jokes ancient & modern, their mission remains to ensure thatyour right to party remains intact.Can they go on forever? On some evenings, yes, they can.

Speaker Bio

3 men, numerous strings, all the weirdness.With a smile, a song, and an unfeasibly large bar tab, The Wierdstring Band could start aceilidh in an empty house. Combining music from across all the extremities of Europe withsongs of the last century and jokes ancient & modern, their mission remains to ensure thatyour right to party remains intact.Can they go on forever? On some evenings, yes, they can.

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